viernes, 24 de febrero de 2017

Where We Are in Place and Time Unit Reflection

As a title you were supposed to write: Where We Are in Place and Time Unit Reflection.

Then, you will share how you were:
·      Communicator: ·      Knowledgeable: ·      Open-minded: 

And how you showed :

Tolerance: towards yourself, others and the world around you.

To finish with, choose two works, explaining why you chose them. They can be any English, Maths or UOI works.

lunes, 6 de febrero de 2017

HOW TO SAY NO!!!!!!!

Hi guys. Hope you're having a great time with Miss Clemencia.

Well, for today's UOI lesson you will have to:

Read through the THE COOL SPOT page, the HOW TO SAY NO section:

1. The right to resist:

2. How to resist

3. How to say no

Then, In your UOI book you will write a very short story. Choose your own adventure like the one on the website. In your story someone will try to use peer pressure, either spoken on unspoken. Your character should have two options ‘fail to stand up to pressure’ and stand up to pressure’